Jojo Hall

I’m a developer who enjoys working across all aspects of web application development. My current preferred tools are Ruby and JavaScript, and I have a solid grounding in traditional Computer Science concepts.

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BirdsnestAustralian Literary Studies, Books Kinokuniya Sydney, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, The Wheeler Centre

About me

I love the challenges and rewards of making well-crafted, beautiful and functional web applications. My interest in the web began as a teenager building dinky fan websites and continuned through to a BSc in Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington. I’ve now been working professionally in the tech industry for 10 years, and I still love the internet’s magical ability to connect people.

I hail from Wellington, Aotearoa and my favourite emoji is 😘. In my spare time I love trail running, weightlifting, sewing and pottering around in my garden.